1. Please Click the button "More..." on the main interface

2. Click "AMV" to convert dialog.

3. Convert dialog
A) Add the MPEG1 to be convert
B) Choose the saving path of the AMV file
4.click button  , start to convert MPEG1 to AMV
WinMPG Video Convert also supports Converting
mpeg1 to 3g2,
mpeg1 to flv,
mpeg1 to flash,
mpeg1 to swf,
mpeg1 to gif,
mpeg1 to mov,
mpeg1 to ipod,
mpeg1 to psp,
mpeg1 to amv,
mpeg1 to asf,
mpeg1 to avi,
mpeg1 to 3gp,
mpeg1 to mp4,
mpeg1 to mpeg2,
mpeg1 to mpeg4,
mpeg1 to wmv,
mpeg1 to vcd,
mpeg1 to rmvb,
mpeg1 to rm,
mpeg1 to svcd and
mpeg1 to mpg.
-- More_____________________
Q: How to input my registration code?
A: Please right click in WinMPG Video Convert, select "Register...", and input your registration information.
Q: How to convert QuickTime MOV to AVI ?
A: Please press "All to AVI" button to convert QuickTime MOV MP4 to AVI. You need install QuickTime 6.0 or later to support this.
Related Resources:
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